Deed executed by J,JLIAIT CHARLRS TOFF11LI'IER, et al, to CITY
<br />OF SAYI 1 ,T7R0, a municipe,.l corporation, dated November 30th, 1917,
<br />j and recorded=Tovember 30th, 1917, in Liber 2591 of Deeds, at -0age
<br />478, Alameda County Records.
<br />Deed executed by CMA=9, L. ?KILLER et u c, to CITY OF SAiT
<br />Mlk!?DRO, a municipal corporation, dated ovember 27th, 1917, and
<br />recorded Nove nbe-r 30tii, 1917 in Liber 2591 of Deeds, wt -p::,.ge 477,
<br />J Alameda Count-,► Records.
<br />Deed execi ted by 3E1,TJA7,TI1T F. ITASON et al, to CI1z OF SAIT
<br />LEAiTDRO, a municip�.l corpoxf�tion, dated iTovei:�ber 2.8th, 1917, and
<br />7 j recorded November 30th, 1917 in Liber 2634 of Deeds, at p��ge 12,
<br />Alandda County Records.
<br />Deed executed bar G --ORGE FREDERICK Sz��L+PHERI) et al, to CITY OF
<br />SALEAeTDRO, a municipal c orpoxat i on, dated TTove n'per 28th, 1917 ,
<br />J, and recorded November 30th, 1917 in Liber 2620 of Leeds, at page
<br />202, Alarieda County Records.
<br />Deed executed by JOSEPH' SI U,101TS to CID':.? OF SAT IZEXTRO a
<br />3 munic ip it c orpo"rc.,t i on, dated November 26th, 1917, and ree orAed
<br />Noverber 27th, 1917 in Liber 2592 of Deeds, at page 450,. Alameda
<br />County Records.
<br />Deed executed "ay 77ARY E. .,jRTADO et al to CITY OF SAiT L.EAy DRO,
<br />a municipal corporation, doted December 31st, 1917, and recorded
<br />January 2d, 1918 in Liber 2644 of Deeds, at rage 22, Alameda
<br />County Records.
<br />Deed exec>ted by ItARIA P. 0,3TADROS to CITY OF SAN LEANTDRO, a
<br />municin-.1 corporation, dated January 5th, 1917, and recorded Jan-
<br />L uary 7th, 1918 in Liber 2620 of Deeds, at ;gage 313, Alameda County
<br />Records.
<br />/ Deed e:-.ecuted by FRED CIOL]!,?-,SE1T et al, to CITY OF SILT LEA'-OI?0,
<br />G�( a municipal corporation, dated December 28th, 1917, and recorded
<br />Dece:.iber 31st, 1917 in Liber 2642 of Deeds, at page 40, Alameda
<br />Count► Records.
<br />Deed executed -by E. T.. FOSS et Lix to CITY OF SAi? LEA.-TDRO, a
<br />municipal c oryporwtion, d�-.ted Decer:�ber 2lst, 1917, and recorded
<br />December 22d, 1917 in Liber 2624 of Deeds, at page 255, Alameda
<br />County Records.
<br />Deed executed by CARLO GR.AZ?INI to CITY OF SA1T LEA:T-DRb, a
<br />municipal corporation, dated Decerbe2 29th, 1917, and recorded
<br />Dece ,oer Zlst, 1917 in Liber 2642 of Deeds, at -page 39, Alameda
<br />County Records.
<br />Deed executed by I.:AUD HETTRY to CI`i'Y OF SAiT .LEI.-TnO, a munic-
<br />ipa.l corporation, dated November 28th, 1917, and recorded doveinber
<br />30th, 1917 in Liber 2591 of Deeds, at cage 478, Alameda County
<br />Records.
<br />quitclaim Deed executed by J TLIAl CHARIZS TOl'F:=T L!; a et al,
<br />to CITY OF SA:' TEA?TDRO, a municipal corporation, dz::.ted Tover;1ber
<br />27t1i, 1917) a.r_d recorded ITovember 30t'n, 1917 in Tiber 2619 of
<br />Deeds, -t p .ge 173, Alameda County Records.
<br />-3-
<br />