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D E E D <br />Vie, the undersigned, 1'1AI= H. GARCIA, JOS -PH H. GARCIA <br />and FRANK H. GARCIA, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />of the County of Alameda, State of Californie., for and in con- <br />sideration of the suer. of FOUR HMTDP27-N EIGHT AlITD 60/100 DOLLARS <br />(N28.60), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF SAID „ ?TI)RO, a municipal <br />corporation_, for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Almieda, State of California., and particularly <br />described as follows, to-wit:- <br />BEGIZTIMM at the point of intersection of the original <br />Southwesterly line of East Fourteenth Street (formerly called the <br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also celled the County 3:oad from <br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the dividing line between the land <br />now or formerly belonging to Maria Aurora Correa (wife of F. E. <br />Correa) and the land of 17'anuel H. Garcia, Jcseph H. Garcia and <br />Frank Y1. Garcia; and running thence Southeasterly along said <br />line of East Fourteenth Street 239.20 feet, more or less, to its <br />intersection with the dividing-3#zit between the land of Manuel H. <br />Garcia, Joseph H. Garcia and Frank H. Garcia and the lard now or <br />forrnierly belonging to Innocenco Pereira Rodrigues; thence South- <br />westerly along said dividing line to a point thereon_ distant 19 <br />feet (measured at right angles) Southwesterly from said line of <br />East Fourteenth Street; thence Yorthwesterly and parallel to <br />said line of East Fourteenth Street 239�20 feet, more or less, to <br />the dividing line between the land,�r Ka:ria Aurora Correa (wife <br />or F. E. Correa,) and the land of 1!Ianuel H. Garcia, Joseph H. <br />Garcia and Frank H. Garcia; and thence Northeasterly along said <br />last nazted lire 19 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />WITNESS our signatures this day, of <br />1917. <br />