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D E E D <br />-- -� the undersigned, ELISE KISTLER, GEORGE WILTTR�; <br />BATJjQEiRGER, ANNA B. TOFFI'UTI7+ER and CHAFZ,ES ADOLPH RAUt., TFRGFR, <br />all retsia.,-*_ of 43,., c�$b�- or zh ,A =sv�ralalV, vvuaiv,y vj. ai-afieda, <br />State of California, and LENA T . MLLIAI i S, of the City and <br />County of San Francisco, said state, for and in consideration <br />of the sure of TVTO IRTIMRED TTINT.TY—TI=IE AIM 88/100 DOLLARS <br />($293.88)1 the receipt whereof is hereby aclmow.Iedged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF ; YDRO, a. municipal <br />corporation, for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to-wit:- <br />MGIITNIITG at a point on the original Northeasterly line of <br />East Fourteenth Street (formerly called the Oakland and San <br />Leandro Road and also called the County Road from Oakland to San <br />Leandro) where the same is intersected by the dividing line be- <br />tween the land of the grantors herein and the lard now or former- <br />ly belonging to Annie E. Broad, and running thence Northeasterly <br />along said dividing line to a point thereon. distant 6 feet <br />(measured at right angles) Northeasterly from saic line of East <br />Fourteenth Street; thence South 300 551 20" East 155.14 feet; <br />thence South 260 38' East 80.23 feet to a point on said line of <br />East Fourteenth Street; thence along; said lire of East Four- <br />teenth Street Korth 30° 55' 20" West 235.10 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />BEIITG Lot Numbered Fifty-four (54) , as the same is delineated <br />and so designated upon that certain map or plat entitled, "Plat. <br />Showing lands to be taker_ for, and district to be assessed to pay <br />the expenses of Opening and Widening East Fourteenth Street in the <br />City of San Leandro, California, to a uniform vridth of 91 feet, <br />from the Northerly line of Chumalia Street to the present South- <br />easterly line of Stanley Road produced Southwesterly; all as de- <br />scribed in and in compliance with Resolution of Intention !,To. 606 <br />I?.S. of the Doard of Trustees of said City of San Leandro adopted <br />October 4th, 1915. San Leandro, Calif. March 30th, 1917." filed <br />in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda on <br />the 5th day of September, 1917. <br />0 V,ZTNESS our signatures this e-!�dday of , <br />1917. <br />