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lien and payable as follows: <br />lst Installment �Y'3.38. 2nd Installment $3.38. <br />(Covers also other property.) <br />t2-Aortgage, dated January 3, 1910, made by Junior "'lonarch Hay <br />a\rres,& orporation, to Bank of San Leandro, to secure the payment <br />�1e o two t ousand (2000) dollars with interest, payable .in one year, <br />}� c ors. g to the terms of a promissory note of even date; also for <br />G <br />f"'�t er advances not to exceed $900.00; recorded January 4, 1910 in <br />Liber 905 of :Iortgages, page 147. (Covers also other property.) <br />NOTE 1:- No examination made as to Town of San Leandro Taxes or <br />street Assessments. <br />NOTE 2:- The title of Charles L. 1,41iller was acquired through deed <br />from Junior Monarch Nay Press Co., a corporation, dated January 14, <br />191C and recorded in Liber 1878 of Deeds, at page 146, the description <br />in which deed began at a point on the South :,esterly line of East 14th <br />Street, distant thereon 100.57 feet South Easterly from the intersection <br />,�rith the South Easterly line of Peralta Avenue; and running thence South <br />Easterly along East 14th Street 45 feet, etc. The description as given <br />overlaps 1.57 feet on the premises owned by Benjamin F. :'Iason adjoining <br />on the South East, and the point of beginning should have been at a <br />point distant on said line of East 14th Street 99 feet South Easterly <br />from the intersection thereof with the South Eastern line of Perc.lta <br />Avenue. <br />NOTE 10) 1 Ar ' cles of Incorporation of Junior 'i,lionarch Haar Press Co. <br />are on e i,�ihe Tice of the County Clerk of Alameda County, but the <br />reco�ds ON aid fi e show that said corporation forfeited its charter <br />�VFIO <br />ch "'191 or failure to pay its corporation license tax. <br />