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D E E D <br />I. the undersigned, .AUT) M0TRY, also vnocirn as TARS. MAUD <br />M- Tpy, of the City of San Leandro, County of Alameeta, State of <br />California, for and in consideration of the sum. of TWO HMMPED <br />EIGhyY-FOUR AIM 90j100 DOLLARS ($284.90), the receipt whereof <br />is hereby acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OI` SAIT I�ATTDRO, a municipal <br />corporation, for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to -unit :- <br />MGINI>IING at the point of intersection of the original <br />Southwesterly line of East Fourteenth Street (formerly called the <br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also called the Count, Road from. <br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the dividing lire between the land <br />of Yrs. ':laud Henry and the land now or formerly belonging to <br />George Frederick Shepherd, and running thence Southeasterly along <br />said line of East Fourteenth Street 162.77 feet, more or less, to <br />its intersection with the Northeasterly production_ of the TTorth- <br />westerly boundary line of "San Antonio Court", all as shown on <br />the map thereof filed August 9th, 1913, in Book 28 of '.taps, page <br />38, Alameda County Records; thence South 59° 04' 40" West along <br />the said production. of the Northwesterly boundary line of "San <br />Antonio Court" 19 feet; thence Northwesterly parallel to and <br />distant 19 feet (measured at right angles) Southwesterly from <br />said line of East Fourteenth Street 162.80 feet, more or less, to <br />the dividing line between tie land of 7Trs. rtaud Henry and the land <br />now or formerly belonging to George Frederick Shepherd; and <br />thence Northeasterly along said last named line 19 feet, more or <br />less, to the point of beginning. <br />1917. <br />WITYESS my signature this ay of _. .., <br />- /& (� ( -141-1 <br />