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State of Cattfornta SS. <br />County of Alameda I <br />On of -- - ------------------- in the year of our Lord <br />One Thousand Nine Hundred - - --------------- before me. ------- I a Notary <br />Public in and for said County and State, re8!d1n_f therein, duly commissio and swo rn, personally <br />appeared.---ae-- ... &M <br />AP - <br />A----- —/ ..... — ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- <br />known to me to be the person rr ..... described in and whose named <br />------- a-'L-< .... subscribed to the within instrument, and- acknowl- <br />ed.fe d to me that ------ Yh ------ executed the same. <br />IN W1TJVESS WHEREOF, <br />I have hereunto set my hand and <br />afflxed my official seal, at my officein the County and State aforesaid, <br />the day and the year in this certificate first above written. <br />....................... - ---------- <br />-�y of �a ------ --------------------------- <br />Notary Public in and for the County AIR a. State of California. <br />