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with the South Easterly line of Peralta revenue, and running thence <br />Easterly along said road 144 feet, etc. It is assumed that at the <br />date of said deed, the South V1estern line of said County Road (now <br />called East lath Street) was located 7 feet South 'i"lesterly of the <br />original line of said road, but nothing appears of record from which <br />said fact con be definitely determined. By reason of the termination <br />of the life estate of said James Linfoot, the entire title to the <br />premises under search passed to Benjamin F. :Jason. <br />In acquiring title to the hereinafter described premises, however, <br />a deed should also be obtained from the Legal Representatives of Junior <br />'onarch Hay Press Co., a lapsed corporation, and Charles L. Lliller, <br />the owners, by mesne conveyances from James Linfoot, of the premises <br />adjoining on the South "nest. <br />DESCRIPTION. <br />All that lot of land situated in the Town of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: - <br />Beginning at a point on the South l'Jestern line of East 14th Street <br />(formerly called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), as it <br />originally existed, distant thereon South Easterly ninety-nine (99) <br />feet from the intersection thereof with the South Eastern line of <br />Peralta Avenue; running thence South Easterly along said line of East <br />14th Street forty-five (45) feet; thence South 'dJesterly parallel with <br />said line of Peralta Avenue seven (7) feet; thence Forth Westerly <br />parallel with said line of East 14th Street forty-five (45) feet; thence <br />I'Iorth Easterly parallel with said line of Peralta Avenue seven (7) feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />