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-------------------- <br />i <br />D E E D <br />i, the undersigned, ITARIA G. AVFMLAR (a widow) , of the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda., State of California, <br />for and in consideration of the stun of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-01TE <br />AIM 90/100 DOLLARS ($231.90) , the receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF SALT I;EATT:0RO, a muniei nal <br />corporation, for street purposed, <br />411 that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to-wit:-- <br />TEGIN13ING at the point of intersection of the original <br />Northeasterly line of East Fourteenth Street (formerly called the <br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also called the County Road from <br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the dividing line between the land <br />of Maria G. Avellar (a widow) and the land now or formerly belong- <br />ing to Georgina Braga (a widow), and running thence Northeasterly <br />along said dividing line to a point thereon distant 6 feet <br />(measured at right angles) northeasterly from said line of East <br />Fourteenth Street; thence 'Nor �wNrom <br />te-�1� parallel to and distant <br />6 feet (measured at right angles sc,id line of East Four- <br />teenth Street 421.63 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly <br />boundary line of "Broadinoor Addition", all as shown on a map there - <br />OIL filed August 8th, 1911, and recorded in Book 26 of 11aps at page <br />391 Alameda County Records; and running thence along said boundary <br />line produced South 59° 02' 40" West 6 feet, more or less, to said <br />original Northeasterly line of East Fourteenth Street; and thence <br />Southeasterly along said last named line 421.63 feet, more or less, <br />to the point of beginning. <br />`NI THE S S ny s i gnat l ira this —IR3-- day of <br />1917. <br />