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Street Assessments. <br />O�TE 32: - In westing title as above it is assumed that the r:nanuel <br />Rolling who acquired title to the North ','restern 3.184 chains of said <br />premises by teed from '.ichard Jones, dated January 4, 1861 and recorded <br />in Liber "h" of Deeds, at page 209, is identical viith the ':ianvrell <br />rolling who conveyed the same on June 30, 1863 to John . ariana and <br />Francisca Silva, by deed recorded in Liber "0" of Deeds, at page 132; <br />— <br />ncl that the a.John :.'ariana who acquired an undivided 4 interest under <br />the deed last mentioned, is identical with the John :'aria who conveyed <br />the same to L. F. Rindespaker, by deed dated November 4, 1882 and <br />recorded in Liber 242 of Deeds,page 60. <br />DES CRI PT LU, <br />All that lot of land situated in the Town of San Leandro, County of <br />lamella, State of California, bounded and described as follows, - <br />Beginning at a point in the North Eastern line of East 14th Street <br />(formerly called County Road leading from Oakland to San Leandro), <br />where the same is intersected by the North 'i`lestern line of that certain <br />7 acre tract conveyed by :.illiaia P. Toler and wife to Patrick Scanlan, <br />by deed dated. August 20, 1860 and recorded in Liber "J" of Deeds, at <br />page 502; running thence North : esterly along said line of East 14th Street <br />6.371 chains; thence at right angles Borth Easterly six (u) feet; thence <br />at right angles Soutz easterly 6.372 chains; thence at right angles <br />South `�� esterly six (6) feet to the point of beginning. <br />