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further advances not to exceed $900.00; recorded January 4, 1910 in <br />Liber 905 of Mortgages, page 147. (Covers also other property.) <br />NOTE:- No examination made as to Town of San Leandro Taxes or <br />Street Assessments. <br />DESCRIPTION. <br />All that lot of land situated in the Town of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to -wit: - <br />Beginning at a point on the South destern line of East,14th Street <br />(formerly called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), as said street <br />or road originally existed, distant thereon South easterly fifty (50) <br />feet from the intersection thereof with the South Eastern line of <br />Peralta Avenue; and running thence South vlesterly parallel with said <br />line of Peralta Avenue seven (7) feet for a point of beginning, said. <br />point being on the South .`destern line of said East 14th Street or County <br />Road as the same existed on September 22, 1899; and running thence from <br />said point of beginning South ',4esterly parallel with said line of <br />Peralta Avenue twelve (12) feet; thence South Easterly parallel with <br />said line of East 14th Street fort,,, --nine (49) feet; thence Borth <br />Easterly parallel with saic line of Peralta Avenue twelve (12) feet; <br />thence North 71esterly in a direct line to the point of beginning. <br />