<br />gUITCLA111 DEED
<br />We, the undersigned, TACOB GOSSE and ADDIE GOSSE (his
<br />gife), of the City of Reno, County of Washoe, State of Nevada,
<br />for a valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby
<br />acicnowleded,
<br />Do hereby grant, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto
<br />faze CIij OF SA?T IAI,DRO, a municipal corporation, for street
<br />purposes,
<br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San
<br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and partic,13Ar1',( ►
<br />described as follows, to-wit:-
<br />BEGIN-ITING at the point of intersection of the oriCl
<br />ginal South-
<br />westerly line of East Fourteenth Streat (formerly called the
<br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also called t'_ze County Road from
<br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the Southeasterly line of Peralta
<br />Avenue, and running thence Southeasterly along said line of East
<br />Fourteenth street to its intersection with the Northeasterly pro-
<br />duction of t_ie Northwesterly boundary line of "San Antonio Court",
<br />all as shown on t'he map thereof filed August 9th, 1913, in Book
<br />28 of IIanBs name 38, Alaneda County Records; thence South 59° 04'
<br />40" West along the said production of the Northwesterly boundary
<br />line of "San Antonio Court" 19 feet; thence 'Torthwesterly
<br />parallel to and distant 19 feet (measured at right angles) South-
<br />westerly from said line of East Fourteenth Street to the South-
<br />easterly line of Peralta, Avenue; and thence ITortheasterly along
<br />said last named line 19 feet, more or less, to the point of be-
<br />ginning.
<br />BEING Lots Numbered Twenty-eig'nt (28), Twenty-nine (29),
<br />Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32), Thirty-three
<br />(33), Thirty-four (34), Thirty-five (35), Forty-five (45) and
<br />Forty-six (45), as the sane are delineated and so designated
<br />upon that certain map or plat entitled I
<br />ntitled, "Plat. Showing lands
<br />to be taken for, and district to be assessed to pay the expenses
<br />of Opening and Widenin, East Fourteenth Street in the City of
<br />San Leu,ndro, California, to a uniform widt,l of 91 feet, from the
<br />Northerly line of Chumalia Street to the present Southeasterly
<br />line of Stanley Road produced Southwesterly; all as described
<br />in and in compliance with Resolution of Intention No. 506 IT.S.
<br />of the 3oard of Trustees of said City of San Leandro adopted
<br />October 4th, 1915. San Leandro, Calif. Tyareh 30th, 1917." filed
<br />in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda on
<br />the 5th day of September, 1917.
<br />1917
<br />WITI E'SS our signatures this day of --
<br />. !e
<br />