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DESCRIPTION. <br />All that lot of land situated in the Town of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to-�+it:- <br />Begimaing at a point on the South 71estern line of East loth Street <br />(formerly called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), at the most <br />Northern corner of that certain 19.98 acre parcel of land conveyed by <br />'im. P. Toler and wife to Joseph Garcia, by deed dated November 2C, <br />1852 and recorded in Liber "I" of Deeds, at page 683; and running <br />thence 'South Easterly along said South ::estern line of said street or <br />road and along the Tdorth Eastern line of said 19.98 acre piece or <br />parcel of land, 1.81-1 chains; thence at right angles South :;esterly <br />nineteen (19) feet; thence at right angles North ' esterly I.BL' chains; <br />thence at right angles 11orth Easterly nineteen (19) feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />