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D E E D <br />I, the undersigned, GIULIAiTO AIJGELI - - - - .- - - -- <br />of the City of Oakland, County of Alameda., State of <br />California, for and in consideration of the'stm of EIGHTY - <br />MITE AND 40/100 DOLLARS ($89.40), the receipt whereof is here- <br />by aclmowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF SAIT LEA_PDRO, a municipal <br />corporation, for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of A7-�axneda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to -wit : - <br />EEGIITITING at the point of intersection of the original <br />Northeasterly line of East 'Fourteenth Street (formerly called the <br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also called the County Road from <br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the Northwesterly line of Euclid <br />Avenue (formerly known as Lemon Avenue), and running thence <br />Northwesterly along said line of East Fourteenth Street 79.90 <br />feet; thence Northeasterly and parallel to said line of wGnA0.r'-.-'-' <br />lli <br />Avenue to a point distant 6 feet (measured at right angl <br />said line of East Fourteenth Street; thence Southeasterly and <br />parallel to and distant 6 feet (measured at right angles) North- <br />easterly from said line of East Fourteenth Street 79.90 feet to <br />the Northwesterly line of Euclid Avenue; and thence Southwesterly <br />along said line of Euclid Avenue 6 feet, more or less, to the <br />point of beginning. <br />TTiITITESS my signature this 6th day of 'December <br />1917. <br />