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included in said map, together with the hereinafter described premises, <br />was vested in Henry Z. Jones. By the said map the tract under search <br />was shown as a portion of East 14th Street, but no other or further <br />conveyance of the same for public use was ever made by said Henry Z. <br />Jones. <br />In acquiring title thereto, a deed should be also obtained from <br />Giuliano A_ngeli, the owner of the premises adjoining on the North East. <br />DESCRIPTION. <br />All that lot of land situated in the Town of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to-iit:- <br />Beginning at the intersection of the North Eastern line of East <br />14th Street with the North Western line of Lemon Avenue, now called <br />Euclid Avenue, as said street and avenue are shown on that certain map <br />entitled, "':Zap of the Orange Grove Tract, Brooklyn Township", etc., <br />filed 1ularch 11, 1907 in Liber 22 of :laps, page 46; and running thence <br />North 'Jlesterly along said line of East 14th Street, as shown on said <br />map, seventy-nine and 90/100 (79.90) feet; thence at right angles South <br />westerly two and 50/100 (2.50) feet to the North Eastern line of East <br />14th Street (formerly called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), <br />as the same originally existed; thence South Easterly along said last <br />named line seventy-nine and 90/100 (79.90) feet; thence at right angles <br />North Easterly two and 50/100 (2.50) feet to the point of beginning. <br />