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State. of Taft forma <br />County of Alameda ss' A <br />On this ----------- ----------- <br />of _-- ------- in, the year of our Lord <br />- - - <br />One Thousand Nine Hundred an before me, a JV'otary <br />Public in and for said County and State, residin; therein, duly commissio a and sworn, personally <br />appeared_ Ie <br />// -_ <br />�L---•-•----------------- - <br />known to me to be, the person --S---- described in and whose names <br />-----------\...... subscribed to the within, instrument, and --- -acknowl- <br />edged to me that.---_Yhe -.--..executed the same. <br />IN i�"ITJVESS � HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and <br />affixed my offt,cial seal, at my office in the County and ,State aforesaid, <br />the day and the year in this cert' -ca e first ab ,upritten. <br />---------- --- ---- ----- <br />----------------------- <br />Notary Pnhlic in and for the C uoty o Alameda, State of California. <br />