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PARTIAL PILEASE OF 11ORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL IMT BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consider- <br />ation of the sum of <br />DOLLARS ( 0. O ° ) , the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows, to-wit:- <br />BEGIIfITING at the poir:t of intersection of the original <br />Northeasterly line of East Fourteenth Street (fcrm.erly called the <br />OaYlard and San Leandro Road and also called the County Road from <br />Oakland to Sam_ Leandro) with the Southeasterly line of Euclid <br />Avenue (formerly known as Lemon. Avenue) , and running thence South- <br />easterly along said line of East Fourteenth Street 300 feet to <br />its intersection with the northwesterly line of Dutton Avenue; <br />thence northeasterly along said lire of Dutton Avenue to a point <br />thereon distant 6 feet (measured at right angles) Northeasterly <br />from said lire of East Fourteenth Street; thence Yorthwesterly <br />along a lire parallel to and distant 6 feet (measured at right <br />angles) 'Northeasterly from said line of East Fourteenth Street <br />300 feet to said Southeasterly line of Euclid Avenue; and thence <br />Southwesterly along said lire of Euclid Avenue 6 feet, more or <br />less, to said line of East Fourteenth Street and the point of be- <br />ginning. <br />MING Lots Ni mbere d Twenty (20) , Twenty-one (21) , Twenty- <br />two (22), Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), Twenty-five (25) <br />and Twenty-six (26) , as the same are delineated and so <br />designated upon that certain map or plat entitled, "Plat. Show- <br />ing lands to be taken for, and district to be assessed to pay <br />the expenses of Opening and 7lidening East Fourteenth Street in <br />the City of San Leandro, California, to a uniform N7idth of 91 <br />feet, from the Yortherly line of Chtmalia Street to the present <br />Southeasterly lire of Stanley Road produced Southwesterly; all <br />as described in and in comnliance with Resolution of Intention. ITo. <br />606 Y.S. of the Board of Trustees of said City of San Leandro <br />adopted October 4th, 1915. San Leandro, Calif. Tdarch 30th,1917 ." <br />filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County of <br />Alameda on the 5th day of Septenber, 1917. <br />is hereby released from the lien of that certain mortgage made by <br />Henry Z. Jones and Sarah M. Jones, his wife, to Eliza W. Roberts, <br />dated May 8, 1916, and recorded in the office of the County Re- <br />corder of said County of Alameda in Liber 1132 of ::Tortga.ges, at <br />page 8. <br />IN nTTrESS Vtdl-M +'OF, the undersigned, owner of saiortgage <br />sec city, has hereunto set her hand and seal this � da.y of <br />A. D. 1c17. <br />