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State of Tali fornia ss. <br />County of Alameda <br />On this ---------- —th ........... day of -__--.-_.---December----------- in, the year of our Lord <br />One Thousand Nine Hundred and S_eV_0ntiC'Dll.,.before me, ---------- Harris--P.--_Jones------ ._--, a Notary <br />Public in and for said County and State, residinI therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally <br />appeared - 21� _ _--Z.JONES..And.-_SARAH.IT.J70IEE-.-(-hiS_.wife-)-,-S,C..-GIBSOTT <br />and FRAMES A . GIB SON (his wif e) , GEORGIITA BRAGA (a widow ) , <br />RIA--4.AV-MZA-R---(-a--wid-ova) and --GIU-Lj.AAT©-. A1gGMI -------------------- <br />known to me to be the person .-$-..-_ described in and whose name $ <br />--- .dT-e--- -.---_subscribed to the within instrument, and-they..acknowl- <br />edded to me that ..--- the _3t -.- executed the same. <br />IN WITNF,SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and <br />afli-xed my official seal, at my office in the County and State aforesaid, <br />the day and the year in this eertific to first above written. <br />------------------. <br />Notar>- Public in an or the ouaty f Alameda, State of California. <br />