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Beginning at a point on the North Eastern line of East 14th Street <br />(formerly called County Load from Oakland to San Leandro), as the same <br />originally existed, distant thereon North Iesterly ninety-three and <br />92/100 (93.92) feet from the intersection thereof with the North Western <br />line of Haas .:venue; running thence North Westerly along said line of <br />East 14th Street forty-three (43) feet; thence at right angles North <br />Easterly six (6) feet; thence at right angles South Easterly forty- <br />three (43) feet; thence at right angles South '47esterly six (6) feet <br />CD <br />to the point of beginning. <br />This certificate does not include an examination of, nor report on: <br />1. Municipal taxes and assessments and the effect and operation of municipal laws, ordinances and regulations, proceed- <br />ings for street, street lighting, sewer, shade tree, sidewalk, park and playground improvements, and for opening, widening and <br />other changes in streets or alleys, if the property described herein lies within the boundaries of any incorporated city, except the <br />Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Piedmont, Albany, or Town of Emeryville. <br />2. Proceedings and assessments by the County of Alameda, or any city therein, except the Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, <br />Alameda, Piedmont, Albany, or Town of Emeryville, for the improvement of, or sewers in, any street, avenue, lane, alley, court or <br />place forming the exterior boundary of a city. <br />3. The validity or legality of tax sales, public assessments, attachments, leases, easements, declarations of homestead and money <br />judgments, if any are mentioned in this Certificate. <br />NOTE. —The express condition upon which this Certificate of Title is issued is that <br />the liability of this Company for the certification as herein made shall not be bind- <br />ing upon this Company until the fee for this Certificate of Title has-been paid, as <br />evidenced by the receipt of the Company hereto attached and made a part of this <br />report. <br />Jn 1Zroutnontd IU4rrrnf, the <br />Alatneba Toun#g 0itlr (aampany <br />has caused these presents to be duly signed by its President and its <br />Vice President under its corporate seal, and the <br />Gitlr Jniuraurr aub (6naraitty Cfaampaug <br />has caused these presents to be duly signed by its President and by its <br />Assistant Secretary under its corporate seal, this --------- f i.r..s-t............. day of <br />lov.e.mber........ one thousand nine hundred and.....sixt-e-e ---- _-_------------- <br />at---- --nine. - o'clock ........ .... _ ...... ....._... M. <br />Received full payment of the fee for this <br />Certificate. <br />Alanteba Tounttd lZitle Tantliang <br />By- - <br />Alameba Truntu Iitlr <br />r <br />By-------------- - -------------- _-_ --- _-- -----.---------- <br />President <br />BY -t-- - <br />Vice President <br />Titlr Jnouraurr ad &aranty Tom,pttuy <br />By <br />Peesident <br />Assistant Secretary <br />