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I <br />o Bank of San Leandro, a corporation, the payment of six hundred <br />(600) dollars with interest, payable according to the terms of a <br />promissory note of even date; recorded iatr 8, 1916 in Liber 2427 of <br />Deeds, page 234. (Covers also other property.) <br />NOTE 1:- No examination made as to Town of San Leandro Taxes or <br />Street Assessments. <br />NOTE 2:- 'An Action was, cor:lmenced in the Superior Court of Alameda <br />County April 14, 1916, by I:2aria Pementel Quadros against =.�anuel Pereira <br />Quadros, for divorce. Interlocutory decree was entered in said <br />action June 6, 1916. (Case 1o. 48740.) <br />DESCRIPTION. <br />All that lot of l and situated in the Town of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California., bounded and described as follows, to -wit: - <br />Beginning at a point on the North Eastern line of East 14th Street <br />(formerly called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), as the same <br />originally existed, distant thereon North .:'esterlir one hundred and <br />seventy-nine and 92/100 (179.92) feet from the intersection thereof <br />with the North 'estern line of Haas venue; running thence North <br />Viesterly along said line of East 14th Street forty-three (43) feet; <br />thence at right angles north Easterly six (6) feet; thence at riht <br />angles South Easterly forty-three (43) feet; thence at right angles <br />South ',lesterly six (6) feet to the point of beginning. <br />