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State of (tali f ornia Ss. <br />County of Alameda r/ <br />On this... ........ /4� . of.---------- Qe-oerabez -------------- In. the year of our Lord <br />One Thousand Nine Hundred and. SeVentaeri.before me...----.---��rris... P....Janes---------- a Notary <br />Public in, and for said County and State, residial therein, duly commissioned and sivora, personally <br />appeared --- A3-.AAAY.-IUIM,the... trustees---named--and <br />dea rlbe.d--in--the---wi-thin-Anstr_ume-n-t.,------------------------------- ----- <br />known to me to be the persona ------- described in and whose. names <br />_- are- ------- subscribed to the within instritm.ent, arid. they. acknowl- <br />ed-ed to me that .... t-he y-...executed the such trustees. <br />IN WIT.N'ESS WHEREOF, f have her, -unto set my hand and <br />affixed my official seal, at my office in, the County and State aforesaid, <br />the clay and the year in this eertif:eate first above written. <br />----------------- <br />Notary i'ublie oonaty of Alameda, State of California. <br />