r S k
<br />FEDI;F.IGh7 , and as FEDERIGO I. FZ DERIGHI , Deceased, the party of
<br />the first part, pursuant to the order lest aforesu.id of the said.
<br />Court, for a.nd in cons ideratiori df the sum of FORTY T=' "DOLLARS
<br />($43.00) Gold Coin of the United States of America, to her in
<br />hand paid by the saidparty of th.e second part, the receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and
<br />conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bezea.in, sell and
<br />I
<br />convey unto the said p�srty of the second p, rt, its successors in
<br />interest _-.nd assigns forever, for street purposes, a.11 the right,
<br />title, interest ,,nd estate of the said FEDERIGO ":�TERIGHI, etc.,
<br />deceased, at the time of his death., and also 6,11 the right, title,
<br />c,nd interest th:_.t the said estate, by operation of law or other-
<br />wise, m.,:,y have acquired other than or in addition to tiu:.t of the
<br />said testator .t t'rte time of his death, in F-Lnd to
<br />All that certL:in real property situate in the City of San
<br />Les_Y:.dro, County of Alameda., State of Californic , bounded end de-
<br />scribed as follows, to -wit:
<br />B_T GII•TITIITG at the point of intersection of the original
<br />Northeasterly line of East Fourteenth Street (fcrmerly called the
<br />Oe-alc-_.nd and San hec ndro Rood and also celled the Coun -y ROCIA from
<br />Oakland to San Leandro), with the dividing line between the land
<br />now or formerly belonging to Carlo Grzzini and the la.:nd of the
<br />Estate of Federigo FederigIA, also known �,s Federigo J. Fedrighi, ,
<br />a,nd as F. J. Federighi, and as J. F. Federighi, a.nd C.s Federigo
<br />I. Federighi, deceased, ixd running thence IT ortheast erIV z�long
<br />said dividin - line to a point thereon distant 6 feet (measured ::.t
<br />right angles Idort'r,easterly from said line of East Fourteenth Street;
<br />thence 171orthwesterly parallel to -.nd distant 6 feet (measured :--t
<br />right angles) North.e,;.sterly from said line of East Fourteenth
<br />Street 43 feet, more or less, to the dividing line between the
<br />1&,nd of the L'sta.te of said I`ederigo Federir,,hi, deceased, <;nd the
<br />l�,,nd now or formerly belonging to E. T. Foss; thence Soutl.tvesterly
<br />long said 1-,st n._med dividing line 6 feet, mo-e or less, to said
<br />line of East Fourteenth Street; t'nence Southeasterly G.long said
<br />line of East Fourteenth Street 43 feet, more or less, to the point
<br />of beginning.
<br />BEING Lot Zumbered Forty-three (43) az th.e surne is delineated
<br />and so designated upon tint certain r�:.p or plat entitled, "plat.
<br />Showing lands to be taken for, a+nd district to be assessed to pay
<br />the expenses of Opening .nd Widening East Fourteenth Street in the
<br />City of San Leandro, California, to d uniform •,vidth cf 91 .feet,
<br />