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T BOARD OF T F,T T qTM S OF TI" CITY OF SA;"r LEANDRO . <br />F3_SOLUTIOII NO. k/\S� "T. S. <br />RESOI,UTION ACCEPTIITG CFFTAIY PARCELS OF LA''D COSTVI YED TO <br />THE CITY OF SALT LEA TDRO -+TOR ST=IT PURPOSES AND FOR THE �TII72,?fIT?G <br />OF FAST FOURTEI NTH STRP T . <br />RESOL OD, that ti-e several parcels of l&nd conveyed to the <br />city of San Leandro, a municipwl corporation, for street purposes, <br />by the following deeds, to -wit: <br />Deed executed by VIRGINIA YEDERIGH11, ws bzecutrix of the Last <br />dill and Testz ament of FT;DI,,RIGO FEDHRIGHI, also known as �. HPIGO J. <br />ITFDRIGHI, and as F. J. FEDIMIGHI, and as J. F. FEDIRR.IGHI, and as <br />FEDHIP,iG0 I. FELDI'='-IGHI Deceased, to CITY �OF 1SAIT918E nTDp.0, recorded <br />municipal <br />corpor��tion, date � <br />1g18 i^ �Liber 262_W of Deeds, wt ,6,ge �-eo, <br />Al��aneda C� ur_i,y Records. <br />Deed exec-o.ted by VIRGI3TIA I1DBRIGY-1, a viidmv, to CI' Y OF SALT <br />LEAI,TDR.O, o. municipal corporation, dated <br />and recorded _j�- 1918 in Libe ,Z6z2 of Deeds, <br />at page -V/.-, Alex;edc� Cc-Aty Records. <br />be and the s�sae are, and each of said parcels of 1c,nd is hereby <br />accepted by this Board of Trustees on behC,,lf of the public, for <br />street r,umoses and for the purpose of or.,ening and widening Fast <br />-1- <br />