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r_ <br />DEED. <br />D <br />0 I, the undersiEned, ti'IrGITTIA F 1DERIGHI (a widOw), of the City <br />of SCzn Leandro, County of Alameda, State of Calif ornia, for wnd in <br />consideration of the sum of FORT -TNT' {, 1)OI�,ARS (�.43.00) , t're 'receipt <br />whereof is hereb- acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto tl-e CITY OF SAN LEAINDPO, a municipal <br />corporation, for street pilrposes, <br />All that certain real pror,e-rty situate, lying Etnd being in <br />the Cite of Sin LeandroState of California <br />, County of Alar.�ed� , , <br />and perticularly described as follows, to -fait: <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of ti-e original ltiorth- <br />easterly line of East Fourteenth Street (iorrjerlyr called the Oakland <br />and San Leandro Road and also called. the County Road from Oakland to <br />San Leandro I •,frith. the dividing line between the land now or former- <br />lyr belonging Ito Carlo Gra.zzini and 'he land of the Estate of <br />r'ede-rigo i ec erigrii, also known as F ederigo J. Fedrighi , �;nd as <br />F. J. Federi�;hi, a.d as J. F. Federighi, and as Federi`;o I. Federigh.i, <br />deceased, a.nd running thence Nort'rjeasterly along said dividing line <br />to a point thereon distant 6 feet (measured at rig'rit angles) 1'ort��- <br />eL,sterly from said line of El;,st Fcurteenth Street; thence Torth- <br />westerly parallel to and distant 6 feet (measured at right angles) <br />iio-rthe�.sterly from said line of East Fourteenth street 43 feet , <br />more or less to the divid in" line between the land of the Estate <br />of said Pederigo Federi�__i, deceased, end the land not, or formerly <br />belonging to F. 7. Foss; thence South esterly along sa.ia last <br />navied dividing line 6 feet, r,.o-re or less, to said line of East <br />Fourteenth Street; thence South.e�.,ster] yr along said line of East <br />Fourteenth Street 43 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />Bll. NG Lot Numbered Forty-three (43) as the same is delineated <br />and so designated upon that certain niw or plat entitled, "Plat. <br />Showing lands to be taken for, and district; to be j,ssesaed to pay <br />the ear,enses of Opening and Widening East Fcurteenth Street in .the <br />Citv of Sc-n Leandro, California,, to a uniform ti`aidtii. O91 fee,from <br />t'cie Yortherly line of Chlmialia- Street to t, presentSoutheasterly <br />line of Stanley Road produced SouthWesterly; all as IT described in <br />and in coriplie-nee tr,ith Resolution of Intention Tao. T•S• <br />y oa.rd. of Trustees of said Cite of Se.,n Leandro adopted October 4th, <br />1915. San Leand:co, Calif . T.i .rch 30th, 1917 . t, filed in ti-e office <br />of the Countyr Recorder of said County of A1�_neda on tiie 5th day of <br />Septerribe-r, 1917. <br />• �da of�'''�'! _, 1918. <br />Z°7IT�:SS rr�r signature this �' - --- `�- <br />