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D E E D <br />I. the undersigned, BENRY ROOT, a single man, of the City <br />and County of San Francisco, State of California, for and in <br />consideration of the sum of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR AND 18/100 <br />DOIZARS (,�364 .18) , the receipt whereof is hereby aelmowledged, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF SAN t,, NDRO, a municipal <br />corporation, for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to-wit:- <br />(1) BEG11UTING at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of <br />"East Fourteenth Street"with the Eastern boundary line of "San <br />Antonio Court", all as shown on a map thereof filed August 9th, <br />1913, in Book 28 of l:Taps at page 38, Alameda County Records, and <br />runninc- thence _forth 50 13' West, along the 13ortherly production <br />of the said Eastern boundary line of "San Antonio Court" thirty- <br />eight and twenty one -hundredths (38.20) feet to its intersection <br />vrith the present Southwesterly line of"East Fourteenth Street" <br />(formerly known as the "Oakland and San Leandro Road") ; thence <br />along the present Southwesterly line of "East Fourteenth Street" <br />the following courses and distances, South 30° 55' 20" East, <br />thirteen and twenty-four one -hundredths (13.24) feet; South <br />650 12' 30" 7fpst, two and thirty-si:x one -hundredths (2.36) feet; <br />South 25' 17` 20" East, ninety-six and sixty one-hundredt's <br />(96.60) feet and South 260 26' 309, East, one hundred and eighty- <br />one and forty one -hundredths (181.40) feet to a point in the bed <br />of San Leandro Creek; thence down the bed of San Leandro Creek <br />South 42° 01' West, ten and fort�r-five one -hundredths (10.45) <br />feet; thence leaving said creek North (016' 38' 17est, arallel to <br />and distant fourteen and twenty-seven one -hundredths p(14.27) feet <br />(measured at right angles) Southwesterly from the center line of <br />the Southwesterly parapet wall of the bridge vehich spans the San <br />Leandro Creek and said center line produced Northwesterly two <br />hundred and fifty-nine and thirty-two one -hundredths (259.32) <br />feet to the place of beginning. <br />BEING Lot Numbered Forty-seven (47), as the sane is delin- <br />eated and so designated upon that certain map or plat entitled, <br />"Plat. Showing lands to be taken for, and district to be assessed <br />to pay the expenses of Opening and Widening East Fourteenth Street <br />in the City of San Leandro, California, to a uniform width of 91 <br />feet, from the Northerl3r line of Chumalia Street to the present <br />Southeasterly line of Stanley Road produced Southwesterly; all as <br />described in and in compliance with Resolution of Intention No. <br />606 N.S. of the Board of Trustees of said City of San Leandro <br />adopted October 4th, 1915. San Leandro, Calif. ?March 30th, 1917.11 <br />filed in the office of the County Recorder of said Counter of <br />Alameda on the 5th day of Septe-,zber, 1917. <br />-1- <br />