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Deed - East 14th Street at San Antonio Court, Lot 47, for East 14th Street widening - File 57, 1917
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - East 14th Street at San Antonio Court, Lot 47, for East 14th Street widening - File 57, 1917
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Last modified
8/31/2022 3:12:05 PM
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8/31/2022 3:10:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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(2) BEGINILTING at a point where the present South Westerly <br />line of East 14th Street (f ornierly called 'Main Counter Road from <br />Oakland to San Leandro) intersects the Easterly line of that <br />certain piece of land heretofore conveyed by Ygnacio Peralta to <br />Maria A. Toler, by deed dated December 29, 1854, and recorded in <br />Liber I'D" of Deeds, page 11, said point being seven (7) feet South <br />Westerly from and parallel with the South Westerly line of said <br />road, as the same existed in 1854, and being also South 5° 81 East <br />fifteen and 99/100 (15.99) feet distant from the point of beginning <br />of the description in said deed of said piece of land conveyed by <br />Ygnacio Peralta to I:Taria A. Toler; running thence South 50 81 <br />East along the line dividing the lands formerly of YFi. I,Toyes and <br />A. H. Griffith thirty-eight and 20/100 (38.20) feet; thence South <br />260 381 East two hundred and fifty-nine and 32/100 (259.32) feet; <br />thence ITorth 42' 11 East ten and 45/100 (10.45) feet to a point <br />in the direct extension Southerly of the Easterly line of that <br />certain piece of land heretofore conveyed by Oakland, San Leandro <br />Harvard Electric Railway Company, a corporation, to David illoyes <br />by deed dated January 2, 1897, and recorded in Liber 613 of Deeds, <br />at page 21; thence along the extension of and along the line last <br />above mentioned, North 26' 321 West one hundred and eighty-one and <br />40/100 (181.40) feet to the most Northerly corner of said piece of <br />land last above mentioned, being the most Sout'ierl;r corner of a <br />certain piece of land heretofore conveyed by David Noyes to the <br />County of Alameda, by deed dated December 17, 1897, and recorded <br />in Liber 634 of Deeds, at page 471; thence along the Westerly <br />line of the last said piece, Yorth 25' 231 Test ninety-six and <br />60/100 (96.60) feet to the most Westerly corner of said parcel <br />last above referred to; thence along the ^Tortherly line of said <br />last named parcel, and along a direct extension thereof. North. <br />650 71 East two and 36/100 (2.36) feet to a point on the above <br />mentioned South Westerly line of the 7,1ain County Road le -:,,,ding from <br />Oakland to San Leandro, as the sane now exists; thence along said <br />South Westerly line of said Ilain County Road north 31° 51 'Test <br />thirteen and 24/100 (13.24) feet to t'qe point of beginning. <br />1917. <br />WITITESS my signature this day of <br />-2- <br />
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