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D E D <br />13Z <br />This Indenture, _.lade this thirtietitay of September, 1932, <br />between GEORGE J. HEUNIS and REOBEI?A J. HELMS, his ife, of San <br />Leandro, California, the parties of the first part, and CITY <br />OF $SAId LEA.IMPLO, a city of the sixth class, orpanized under the <br />general lays of this State relating to municipal corrorations, the <br />party of the second part. <br />4,itnesseth. That the said parties of the firt part, for <br />and in consideration of the sum of iJ DOLIAPS, the receipt whereof <br />is hereby acknowledged, does grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto <br />the said party of the second part, and to its successors and assigns <br />forever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the city <br />of San Leandro, county of AIameda, state of California, and par- <br />ticularly aescribed as folloc,�s, to wit: <br />To find the true point of beginning: <br />Begin at a point on the southern line of _,,laud Avenue(for- <br />.:-,erly Cashing Avenue) distant thereon i:orth 701, 35' mast <br />415 feet froia the rzost western corner of that certain par- <br />cel of land conveyed to',i. S. Bryant and Peter Teale by <br />deed dated April 26, 1875 and recorded in. Liber 110 of <br />Deeds, at page 22, klaLieda County _records, said -point of <br />beginning being distant on said line of i.laud Avenue north <br />700 35' East 471 feet 5 inches from the intersection there- <br />of with the northeastern line of .-ast 14th Street (former- <br />ly called Hayward Avenue; running thence South 191, 25' East <br />336 feet 9 inches to the true point of beginning of the <br />property to be hereby described: thence from said true point <br />of beginning running I;orth 700 35' Fast 164 feet 5 inches; <br />thence Liorth 190 25' .lest 16 feet 9 inches; thence ;south <br />700 35' Nest 164 feet 5 inches; thence south 190 25' East <br />16 feet 9 inches to the true point of beginning. <br />In Witness .hereof, the said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above <br />written. <br />(SEAL) <br />(SELL) <br />