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ESCRIP71'ION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and described <br />as follov+., to -wit: <br />To find the true point of beginning; <br />Begin at a point on the Southern line of NTaud Avenue (formerly <br />Cushing Avenue) distant thereon North 700 35t East 415 feet <br />from the most Western corner of that certain parcel of land <br />conveyed to W. S. Bryant and Peter Teale by deed dated April <br />23, 1875, and recorded in Liber 110 of Deeds, at page 22, <br />Alameda County Records, said point of beginning being distant <br />on said line of Yaud Avenue North 700 35t East 471 feet 4 inches <br />from the intersection thereof with the Northeastern line of <br />East 14th Street (formerly called Hayward Avenue); running thence <br />South 190 251 East 336 feet 9 inches to the true point of <br />beginning of the property to be hereby described; thence <br />from said true point of beginning running North 700 351 East <br />164 feet 5 inches; thence North 190 251 Vlest 16 feet 9 inches; <br />thence South 700 351 ;'lest 164 feet 5 inches; thence South 190 <br />25t East 16 feet 9 inches to the true point of beginning. <br />