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THIS I ENTURE made this _ day of tJIa�T, 1 ' 6, by and <br />between CAP.Y :'STATE C01,21d`TY, a corporation created and existing <br />under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California., here- <br />inafter styled the Party of the First Part, and the CITY OF SAIL <br />_.Z,1JTD1_ZO, a municipal corporation, situate(: in the County of iila- <br />meda, State of California, hercinafter styled the Party of the <br />Second Part, <br />'.1' I T IT L S S T H <br />That the said Party of the First Part for and in considera- <br />tion of the surd of TIMT (10.00) DOLLAR:; in gold coin of the United <br />States paid by the Party of the Second Part to the Party of the <br />First Part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by <br />these presents hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and alien un- <br />to the said Party of the Second Part for the purpose of a -oublic <br />street or highway, all that certain real property situate, lying <br />and being in the City cf San Leandro, Co -a ty of Alameda,State of <br />California, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to- <br />wit: - <br />All that certain piece, parcel or strip of land <br />three (3.00) feet wide, extending from a line at <br />right angles to and extending Southerly from the <br />north line of-studillo Avenue (formerly ':hard <br />Avenue) and distant tiro hundred thirteen and <br />74/100 (213.74) feet westerly, and bearing south <br />700 35' `:-lest from the intersection of the easter- <br />ly line of San Jose Street produced northerly <br />with the northerly line of 11studillo Avenue (now <br />existing topographically and having a width of <br />sixty-six (66.00) feet), and running thence from <br />said right angle line a.s a line of beginning <br />northeasterly, and bearing north 700 35' east <br />to the westerly lire of Foothill Boulevard as it <br />now e_.ists as a si:-ty-six (66.00) foot street <br />and on the north side of Estudil.lo Avenue(former- <br />ly `.lard Avenue) and being a. strip of land three <br />(3.00) feet wide and lying immediately ITorth of, <br />parallel with, and adjacent to the northerly <br />line of '"rard Avenue (now Estudillo i_venue) as <br />it formerly existed as a sixty (60.00) foot street. <br />9 <br />