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Deed - Garcia Ave & Belleview Dr - File 128, 1931
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Garcia Ave & Belleview Dr - File 128, 1931
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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( 6, <br />j <br />DEED <br />TY;.is Indenture, made this <br />IS 14 day of July, 1931,between <br />HETaRY W. HAZER, a single man, the party of the first part, and <br />CITY OF SAN LrANDRO, a municipal corporation of the Sixth Class, <br />the party of the second part, <br />ilitnesseth: That the said party of the first part, for and <br />in consideration of the suin of One Dollar, the receipt whereof <br />is hereby acknowledged, does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto <br />the said pqrty of the second part, its successors and assigns for- <br />ever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the city of <br />San Leandro, county of Alameda, state of California, and particu- <br />larly described as follows, to wit: <br />PARCEL OLE <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the Torth- <br />western line of Garcia Avenue with the Southwestern ter- <br />mination of Garcia Avenue as the said J.venue is so shown <br />delineated and so designated on that certain lap entitled, <br />"Garcia. Park Subdivision, San Leandro, California", filed <br />for record June 8th, 1926 in j7olume 5 of Laps, at page 43, <br />Records of Alameda County, California; and running thence <br />along the Southwestern termination of Garcia Avenue and <br />its production South 310 02' 40" East distant 150.06 feet <br />to a point; thence orth 590 00' Last distant 68.20 feet <br />to a point; thence South 660 12' East distant 282.16 feet <br />to a point; thence on the arc of a curve to the right hav- <br />ing a radius of 600 feet ( the chord of which bears South <br />480 371 East distant 362.51 feet, and the radius bears <br />South 230 48' '::est) a distance of 335.21 feet to a point <br />in the 14-orthern line of that certain tract of land now or <br />formerly ovinea by "' . ; . Amaral; thence along the last said <br />line South 590 04' 40" �,est distant 38.44 feet to a point, <br />which point is also the Northeastern corner of that 1.623 <br />acre tract of land conveyed by James Byrnes to `::illiam <br />7'yrnes by deed dated January 24th, 1912 and recorded in <br />Liber 2020 of Deeds, at page 124, Records of Alameda County; <br />thence leaving said corner along the Eastern line of that <br />certain 1.623 acre tract of land conveyed by Janes Byrnes <br />to :,:ary .cSweeney by deed dated January 24th, 1912 and re- <br />corded in. Liber 2016 at page 132, Records of Alameda County; <br />orth 310 06' j"iest distant 90.00 feet and north 31° 42' 'Vest <br />distant 91.25 feet to the Tortheastern corner of the last <br />said 1.623 acre tract; thence along the T; orthern line of <br />said tract South 59' 03' 'dest distant 85.78 feet to a point <br />on the arc of a curve., said point begin distant 221.07 feet <br />northwesterly along the said arc from the point of beginr_ing <br />thereof, the said curve having a radius of 520 feet ( the <br />chord of which bears s,orth 48° 37' `,pest distant 314.17 feet <br />and the radius thereof bears South 580 58' Test); and run- <br />ning thence along said curve a distance of 98.09 feet ;thence <br />1�orth 661, 12' .est distant 390.95 feet to a point; thence <br />on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 300 feet <br />
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