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DESURIP`I'ION OF THE PrWPI!;RTY CUVERED BY THIS PuLICY OF IRSUR IQv E _ <br />ALL that lot of land <br />San Lea:,, County of Alai°.eda,'tate <br />ed as fo_ loti.,s, to -wit: <br />situated in the City of <br />of California, and describ- <br />Lot C, as said Lot is delineated and so <br />designated upon a certain Map entitled, "Broad.n.00r Park, <br />San Leandro, Alameda Countyâ–º, Cal:iforr_ia", f .led arch 24, <br />1926 in Libcr 3 of Macs, page 74, in the Office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda Counts. <br />i <br />