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rARCsL 2: BEGININING at the point of intersection of the dir- <br />oct extension Easterly of the Northern line of Callan Avenue with the <br />Pastern boundary line of Lot Numbered 18, in Block Numbered 2, as said <br />Avenue, Lot and Block are delineated and so designated upon that certain <br />Map entitled, "Map of Huff Tract, San Leandro, Alameda County", filed <br />July 9, 1912 in Book 27 of Mans, at rage 4, in the Office of the County <br />Recorder of Alameda County; running thence North 700 35' East along the <br />direct extension of said line of Callan Avenue One Hundred Sixty-two and <br />52/100 fact to the Nestern boundary line of "'Uhi tton Manor" as said last <br />named boundary line is shown on that certain Yap entitled, "::'hitton <br />Manor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California", filed October 11, 1927 <br />in Book 7 of Maps, at page 54, in the Cff ice of the County 'Recorder of <br />Alameda County; thence North 19° 25' Viest along the last named boundary <br />line One Hundred Sixty feet to the most Southern corner of Lot Numbered <br />14, as said Lot is shown on said Map of "Whitton Manor"; thence South 700 <br />35' Zest along the direct extension Southwesterly of the Southeastern <br />boundary lineofsaid Lot Numbered 14, Ten Feet; thence North 190 25' <br />;lest Cne Hundred Sixty-two and 51/100 feet to the center line of San <br />Leandro Creek; thence South 420 30' ;Test along the last named line Cne <br />Hundred Seventy-two and 68/100 feet to the Eastern boundary line of said <br />Lot Numbered 18; thence South 1.9° 25' _ast Two Hundred Twenty-eight and <br />15/100 feet to the point of beginning. <br />BEING a portion of that certain 2.352 Acre tract of <br />land conveyed by John Muntz to David Young by Deed dated December 30, <br />1889 and recorded December 30, 1,989 in Book 389 of Deeds, at page 310, <br />Alameda County Records. <br />