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4o_,. ,,, ,, U. t%. <br />-0%1.20 * -1 <br />IN THL CITY COUNCIL UF THE CITY � <br />OF <br />SAN "t'ANDR0 <br />N'S OLUT I ON NO. — / O — C . M. S . <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING Di�LD. <br />WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City of San Leandro a <br />certain Deed executed by Charles H. Hale and Earina r,. Hale, his wife <br />to the City of San Leandro, a Municipal Corporation, conveying the <br />following described pro.)erty: <br />RLRC-,!L l: BEGINNING at a point on the Northern line of Callan <br />Avenue, distant thereon Six Hundred Six and 60/100 feet Easterly from <br />the point of intersection thereof with the Eastern line of Huff Avenue, <br />as said Avenues are shown on the Yap hereinafter referred to; running <br />thence Easterly on and along said Northern line of Callan Avenue Ten <br />feet to the Southeastern corner of Lot Numbered 18 in Block Numbered 2, <br />as said Lot and Block are shown on the Map hereinafter referred to; <br />thence Northerly on and along the pastern line of said Lot Numbered 18, <br />Two Hundred and Twenty-eight and 15/100 feet to the Northeastern corner <br />of said Lot Numbered 18; thence Southwesterly on and along the North- <br />ern boundary line of said Lot Numbered 18, Fifty and 24/100 feet to <br />the North -,.western corner of said Lot Numbered 18; thence Southerly on <br />and along the Western boundary line of said Lot Numbered 18 One Hun- <br />dred Nine and 87/ 100 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with the said <br />Northern line of said Callan Avenue Forty feet; thence Southerly One <br />Hundred feet to the r,oint of beginning. <br />BEING a portion of Lot Numbered 18 in Block Numbered <br />2, as said Lot and Block are delineated and so designated upon that <br />certain Map entitled, "Map of Huff Tract, San Leandro, Alameda County" <br />etc., filed July 9, 1912 in Book 27 of Itaps, at page 4, in the Office <br />of the County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the direct <br />extension Easterly of the Northern line of Callan Avenue with the East- <br />ern boundary line of Lot Numbered 18, in Block Numbered 2, as said <br />Avenue, Lot and Block are delineated and so designated upon that cer- <br />tain flop entitled, "Map of Huff Tract, San Leandro, Alameda County", <br />filed July 9, 1912 in Book 27 of Maps, at page 4, in the Office of <br />The County Recorder of Alameda County; running thence North 700 35' <br />East along the direct extension of said line of Callan Avenue One Hun- <br />dred Sixty-two and 52/100 feet to the Western boundary line of 'Whitton <br />Manor" as said last named boundary line is shown on that certain Map <br />entitled, "Whitton hanor, San Leandro, Alameda County, California", <br />filed October 11, 1927 in Book 7 of Maps, at page 54, in the Office of <br />the County Recorder of Alameda County; thence North 190 252 West along <br />the last named boundary line One Hundred Sixty feet to the most :>outh- <br />ern corner of Lot Numbered 14, as said Lot is shown on said Map of <br />"Whitton Manor"; thence South 700 35' West along the direct extension <br />South•,ecterly of the Southeastern boundary line of said Lot Numbered <br />14, Ten feet; thence North 190 25' West One Hundred Sixty-two and 51/100 <br />feet to the center line of San Leandro Creek; thence South 420 30' <br />tiyest along the last named line One Hundred Seventy-two and 68/100 <br />feet to the Eastern boundary line of said Lot Numbered 18; thence South <br />190 251 East Two Hundred Tv;erity-eight and 15/100 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />-1- <br />