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r) <br />-4 <br />D E h D <br />C <br />I, the end-ercii neof-,J.C.VARGAS,a,.lco known v.a. Jose Correia s,ar- <br />gcvx,a.leo knorrn a.e Joseph C.Varga.s,a vridower,of the laity o.f Sa:n <br />Leandro, County o-f .11,meda,State of Californio.,for and in consic_er- <br />atior_ of the star_ o� Four J.uizdreci a_nc 44/I00 ($400.44) Dollars,the <br />receipt Thereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />Do hereby* ;rent unto the City of San LeEm6ro,,- mmnicipal cor- <br />pora,.tion,for etreF:t purposes, <br />t-1 1 that certain rev.l property situate in the City of San <br />Levm6ro, County of AlamedV,, State of CaJifornia.,a_nd. pe..rticula,rly <br />6-escribee, as followelto-grit:- <br />BeC;inr_ii�g at the intersection of the southvestern line of <br />1°F'ootriill vrith the Qouthern boundary line of "Holl;yvoo(.i" <br />chow:n on that certain n,ap entitles "Holyy�roo(w,04kla.nd a:nd San <br />Lem6ro,Al,-:mec_a County, Ca.l.i7 orz:ia',, I9I4", c nu recorded. in Book 28 of <br />La=.pc at pa E-' 92 ,n( 93,A1,,.r.ed.a! County Records,anc rvnnirlC thence <br />0 <br />a.lon(_,, the said. southvrestern lire of Ibothill' South 35 <br />461 30" E.-Lst I05.24 feet to an anC.1e therein; thence the Wes- <br />tern pros_' -action of the southern ling: of Iloothill }3ottlevatird. North <br />78 ° "7 t 30" West I7.47 feet to its intersection. with the southeast- <br />ern production of th(--�� southwestern line of Eollywoco. Boulevard; <br />tl-,ence alone the southeastern production of the southweZtern <br />line of Y'ollyvrood Boulevard- Ttorth 59.g> 221 West 2I9.85 feet to ite <br />intersection with the above mentioned southern bov :,,a-ry line of <br />"d all ycrood"; a.nct thence =.lonrg said boun&a ry line South 78° I41 30" <br />Lust I47.86 feet 'to the place of berinning,cnd. being portions of <br />Lots iios.I2 me I3 of the "Jane Dutton 59.6 acre Tract", the maended <br />r:arp thereof is recorded in Book IO of 2, at 55,Alameda: County <br />Recor6t. <br />Beim hots numbered. Tvo (2) nd. Three (3) a.s the setae is Ce- <br />linec.ted and so designated. upon that certain nap or plat entitled <br />"Plat showing lcvnda to be taken for,vn(c district to be a sgeoved to <br />