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partial lRecowevatice <br />Wbereaz, a Portt'011 of the indebtedness secured to be paid by the $lees of Urust, <br />made and executed by JOSEPH C VARGUS ( signed Vargas) <br />to <br />A.B. CARY 2..aid CHAS.H.HALE------------------------- as Trustees, <br />dated, the thirty-first------ day of July,-------------------- 1919 <br />and recorded in the County Recorder's offiee of the-_-------_--G'ozrnly <br />of Alammeda------ State of California,, in Liber 2793 <br />of Deeds, at page 243 and, following <br />h,rxs been paid, <br />lRow, aberefore, we A.B.CARY-------------- ((Ud CI-LS.H.IT21LF------------- <br />Trustees, upon request of Bank of San Leandro,^ corn orat ion, <br />holder of the promissory note secured by said, MCCO Of CrilSt, do _ _ _._ hereby grant, <br />remise, release and reconvey unto ' <br />Joseph C.Vargus (signed Vargas),his <br />heirs and assigns, without any warranty, all the estate and interest derived to us, the. <br />said Trustees by or through said Meeb of grust, in. that portion of the lands described <br />in said MCO of 'Crust, situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, <br />�. and bounded and particularly described as * follwes, to-7vit : <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwestern line of Hollywood <br />Boulevard with the southern bou1ldary line of "Hollywood" as shown on <br />that certain map entitled "Hollywood,0akland and San Be^zidro,Alameda. <br />County, California I924" and recorded in Book 28 of ?daps at pages 92 and <br />93,Alameda County Records,and running thence along the southeastern pro <br />• auction of the southwestern line of Hollywood Boulevard South 590 22, <br />East a distance of 83.68 feet to its intersection with the dividing <br />line between lots numbered 12 and I3 of the "JLme Dutton 59.0 c;W& e <br />Tract" the amended ma.p thereof is recorded in book IO of I4aps at page <br />55,said Al.amede. County Records; thence along the said dividing-line <br />North 70 35 t 3011 East a distance of 27.14 feet to the above mentioned <br />Southern boundary line of Hollywood,snd thence along the last mentioned <br />, .'bound2.r;y► line North 780 I41 30" West a distance of 77.2I feet to the <br />place of beginning,Fnd being a. portion of lot I:: of the said J=e Dut- <br />ton 59.6 acre Tract. <br />Co ,have anb to Molb the same, without any warranty, unto the said <br />Joseph C.Vargus (sighed Vargas),his----------- heirs and assigns forever. <br />In Witnessreof, we h z , rezt o set our hands and seal this <br />day of of ----------- ✓4. D. 1923. <br />N 52Ti52 <br />Witness SEAL M1 <br />� ................ ------------------- <br />Trustee <br />Ace' G <br />Trustee <br />DEED OF P(RTIAI, RECONVEYANCE—Bardy's Blank No.* 128 Hardy's Bookstore California IM <br />