<br />z
<br />04ti 3tthrnturr. Made this _ �' day of
<br />in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and l
<br />�r#rorrn
<br />the parts e s of the first part,
<br />AnD
<br />--CCTV en Fi U 'Ta- r3, i— 1 + 4 n n
<br />the part of the second part,
<br />Mi#nrssr#11: That the said part ie of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum
<br />of
<br />o/100-----------------._----------
<br />--..._-_- ... -Dollars ($
<br />)
<br />in Lawful Money of
<br />the United States
<br />of America, to in hand paid by the part
<br />of the second part,
<br />at or before the
<br />ensealing and delivery of these presents, the
<br />receipt
<br />whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, ha ,„,
<br />granted, bargained, sold and conveyed
<br />and by
<br />these presents do
<br />grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the
<br />second
<br />part, and to
<br />heirs-anti--assigns-forever, its s uccepsors and a=--i ffns
<br />f o-'
<br />All th ' certain
<br />lot piece or
<br />parcel of land, situate, lying and being
<br />in the
<br />- " - --
<br />y
<br />County of
<br />State of California,
<br />and bounded and
<br />particularly described as follows, to -wit:
<br />To find +;h e tr,_ie point of beginning; begin at a point on the
<br />Southerly line of :'laud ;venue, formerly Cushinc Avenue, from t,'hich
<br />the North,,,esterly corner of the tract of land conveyed by J. A.
<br />~ o;;n and Tife to ',d, S. Bryant and Peter Teale by deed recorded in
<br />..Aber 110 of Deeds, at pane 22, rnd containinc 12.24 acres, bears
<br />.:cuth 70 de-orees 35, ��ee-t, 795 feet 3 inches die tant; _anci_ ' f n-in
<br />thence South 19 degrees 251 East, 336 feet, 9 inches to the true
<br />point of beginning of the property to be her by described; from said
<br />tru3 point of beginnirg running; thence South 70 degrees 351 `West,
<br />86 feet, 5 inches; thence North 19 degrees 251 'Orest, 16 feat, 9 inches;
<br />thence 1 orth 70 de -roes 351 r:.aet, 86 fesA, 5 inches; thence South 19
<br />decrees 25' East, 16 feet, 9 inches to the true point ofbeginning.
<br />That the lard herein ecnveyed is for stre--t only
<br />0aget4er with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances
<br />thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions,
<br />remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate,
<br />right, title, interest, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in
<br />equity, of the said part: , .: of the first part, of, in, or to the above described premises and
<br />every part or parcel thereof, with the appurtenances.
<br />To 1i5ttur anb Cie ijoth all and singular the above mentioned and described premises
<br />together withthe appurtenances unto the said part.,, of the second part, heirs
<br />al°4--&ss --r 8re*er. its successor ` and &ss1�,-nG fCr-vPr .
<br />.fin Nii#ness V14impof, the said part i of the first part ha v hereunto set th e i r
<br />hand- and seal the day and year first above written.
<br />,*igncb, Acafeb anb I®elibereb in tbt Vrcocncc of
<br />BARGAIN AND SALE DEED — Hardy's Blank No. * 111
<br />-0 �Q/Yh_-QM-----------71
<br />Hardy's Bookstore (Establisbed 1959) Oakland, California — 50235
<br />