Cbio InTienture, Made this 13th day of July in the year
<br />of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-f ive
<br />'lgrtbJren -�'L_SIE BAUKAN AND CHAS . BAUYAN, her husband,
<br />the part i e sDf the first part, and
<br />the part y of the second part,
<br />WitneOorti, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of
<br />the sum of T '_:------------ ------------ Dollars,
<br />do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said part y of the second
<br />part, and to its# successor
<br />1111 that certain lot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in
<br />the City of San Leandro County of Alameda, State of
<br />California, and bouilded and particularly described as follows, to -wit:
<br />BLGILITING at the point of intersection of the Eastern line
<br />of Voodland,Avenue, as said Avenue is described in that certain
<br />deed from J. L. Faustina, et. al, to City of San Leandro, a mun-
<br />icipal corporation, dated July 23, 1920 and recorded Au,;ust 6,
<br />1920, in Book 2956 of Deeds at pa-;e 98 Alameda County Records,
<br />with the outhern line of Oakes- Boulevard, as said Boulevard is
<br />described in that deed from,._ _Jsn, et �.l, to City of an
<br />Leandro, dated November 1,T`, ©rded December 6, 1932,
<br />in Book 2861 of Offici _ 'R „ am t a County, at page 434;
<br />runnin- thence North,'. 'd line of Oakes
<br />"oulevard 204,01 f eet line of that certain
<br />17 Acre try ct of` .1, e e v z,zle C Y 11 r a widow, to
<br />A. ; . Leaver and, JT-�' aus ' i deed `` _ugust 23, 1919 and
<br />recorded August s 9 in of d -a pale 284 A1a.rieda
<br />County �;ecords, .-tln oathyas�t a;. last named line
<br />3.04 feet; then." th 720 2�5� �t 204.01 t 'd, said line of
<br />Voodland Avenue; thejqe
<br />ITQ�04; lies• = 1- the last nmmed
<br />line 3.04 feet ;to "e poat e- g.
<br />Being pb 'i_ of he c e It ct of nil ruinacove
<br />referred to.
<br />(As a fur,t r c el a i'; o t i c n e and the at
<br />is madE_ subjec t�`an Leandro will
<br />construct curers. a gutters ive fq t: sid � and macadamize
<br />and oil the str _ ong f the 'ty of the
<br />GraAtors here�rL - sai �x ,( �o etalias been widened
<br />it -being understood t he tito s in ro >o �'�;.:property of
<br />r.-
<br />the Gra.ntars hez va11 mean y;
<br />pro,p t :es Boule-
<br />= :_ -
<br />vr..rd along the n come .dd<-) �aa to move wire -fence
<br />back to new nroDerty
<br />�.
<br />Co I)Obe OnD t0 I)oID, all and singular the above mentioned and described premises,
<br />together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, i t s
<br />:�a�n�igrtepx u c c e s s o r s.
<br />In Minim Mimed, the said part i e z)f the first part have
<br />hand s and seal s the day and year first above written.
<br />hereunto set their
<br />f3igneb, tralrb anb Zrlibrrrb in ttbr prrotnrr of -- - u
<br />