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t <br />1_ <br />Ill THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN ,j� NDRU. <br />HLSOLUT1011 14U. C. M. S• <br />k,,LjOLUTIUN ACCliPTIRG 1i&6i LNT AND RIGHT Ub' l:`i.Y OVjit t,, IiTAIN <br />L;'.NDS . <br />GoorCQ I:. Kibbe Find c:5inora. Kibbe, hi::, wife, i.s parties of <br />the 1, rc,.t Dart, have pref,ented to the City of man .eandro, as party of <br />the ;jecond %e-�'t, e, certain r�ritten inutrument,dated tYic� lath day of March, <br />1937, whe::'oin ar. •eu ^ei*nt and right of wu,y li&[3 been grz rated unto the City <br />of "Ign ..&"ndr.o,for certain purposus tlierein opecified, over, on, in, <br />\ l <br />tend. ,Tong en,Toneg thre her eirrc�ter described property: <br />T'A-w.t certain piece or strip of land situate, lyinC End being in the <br />City of :sari "er;rrdro, Comity of 1�14LciedL:, f California., described <br />RU f ollows : <br />The ',:extern Ten (1G' eet of Lots N iberad 169 179 1V,, 10 E.nd 24, as <br />said lots urf: dL:iirr:E�tea o.nd so designated upon that certain ..w_en- <br />titled," )Myers-;L iller Tract, Subdivision :.nn ye<..ndro, CEAL., 1912"- <br />filed Iiovamber 12, 1912 in the Gffict: of the C.:urity 1•eLorder of vaid <br />Alra:ieda County, Col if Drnia. <br />T;ll:Rr�F+'UItL M%j IT 11L111Ck;OLVB : <br />That oaid instrument be, and the sax,e is tiereuy, accepted, including <br />the land therein described and for the purposes for which !:aid instrument <br />Sete forth. <br />Introduced by Councilman <br />end l)acsed and <br />adopted this l6th day of March, lt'37, by the fc ilowin� called vote: <br />NUS : i., _ Ullc Ili tyild <br />ABSE IT: COUI;CiLILkN -) <br />Approved: <br />Attest. <br />or <br />Clerk. <br />I, V. UTClipT `l, here cert�f•y the t the bovE� ie E. trot: and <br />C. L. S. the original of which is on <br />correct copy of Resolution Na. • . <br />file in ,, office, wl�2-'At:'• by the City i:ouucil ir. re�,alar , <br />a.d j ,y,►raed meeting t1A 16th day of sir. cY. , 1937. sm <br />C <br />City clerk of t,iQ City of : Ein Leanaro. <br />