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DEED <br />Vie, the undereigned,F1.0 A V.RIl;ER,a widow,,:,nd 2AI NIE O. STOAKES,a <br />widow,both residents of the City of San LPandro,County of Ala- <br />meda,State of California,for value received, <br />Do hereby grant unto the CITY OF SAIT LFJUTDRO,a municipal <br />cgrporation,for street purposes, <br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alarieda, state of California.,e.nd ptirticula.rly <br />described ae follows,to-wit:- <br />BExlly .-I4G at a point on the Northwesterly line of "Stocker <br />Avenue",in said City of San Les.ndro,where t1ie Southwestern ter- <br />mination of said Stoakes Avenue intersects the same; Paid point <br />of beginning being distant on said Northwesterly line of <br />Stoakee Avenue 4I0 feet South 590 04' 40// Viest from its inter- <br />section with the Southwesterly line of Er,gt Fourteenth Street, <br />and running thence along the Southwe?terly production of the <br />Northwesterly line of Stoakes Avenue ;.south 590 04' W" West 440 <br />feet; thence South 30° 55 ' 20East 60 feet to a. point on the <br />Southweeterly production of the Southeasterly line of Stoa.kes <br />Avenue; thence along the last mentioned line North 590 04 � 40 '/ <br />Eart 440 feet to its intersection with the Southwestern termine- <br />tion of said StoDkes Avenue,a.nd thence along the said termina- <br />tion Forth 30a 55/ 20'/ Jest 60 feet to the place of beginning, <br />to be known asStoakeF Avenue and hereby granted for the use of <br />said. City and the public for street purposes only. <br />V/I`1`I:.ESS our signatures this I6th d:.y of Varch, I92I. <br />U / Q-- <br />di,) <br />0 1 <br />