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Deed - Sunnyside Drive - File 72, 1920
City Clerk
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Deed - Sunnyside Drive - File 72, 1920
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8/31/2022 3:56:47 PM
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8/31/2022 3:55:50 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Cbio Inbenture, Made this 30th day of November in the year <br />of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty <br />15eftee11 H. C. HARDING and RUBY HARDING, his wife <br />the parties of the first part, and <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO a municipal corporation of the County of <br />Alameda, State of California the party of the second part, <br />1tilrZo b, that the said part ies of the first -part, for and in consideration of <br />the sum of Ten (1;10.00) Dollars, in gold coin of the United <br />States of America, to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, at <br />or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is <br />hereby acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these <br />presents -do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said part y of the second <br />part, and to its heirs and assigns forever, <br />11 that certain lot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in <br />the City of San Leandro County of Alameda, State of <br />California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on'the Northeastern line of Last <br />Fourteenth Stre t, as the same now exists, distant thereon <br />181.33 feet South 310 05' East from its intersection with <br />the northwestern boundary line of that certain five acre <br />tract of land conveyed by Francisco J. Ave11Gr to Manuel <br />Ifl.:ria Avellar by deed dated September 20,1898 and recorded <br />in book 761 of deeds at page 163 Alameda County hecords; <br />and running thence 2Torth 580 55' East 1030.84 feet to a <br />point on the northeastern boundary line of the above ment- <br />ioned five acre tract of land; thence along the last ment- <br />ioned boundary lir:.e and said line produced South 310 East <br />189.73 feet to its intersection with the southeastern line <br />of "Avon Place" produced South 590 Illest; thence on the are <br />of a circle with a radius of 60 feet, and the chord of which <br />bears North 760 "Jest, 94.25 feet; thence North 310 '-.Test <br />59.64 feet; thence on the arc of a circle with a radius of <br />10 feet and the chord of which bears North 760 fiest, 15.71 <br />feet; thence South 580 551 Nest 960.75 feet to a point on <br />the northeastern line of East fourteenth Street and thence <br />along the same North 310 05' ".Test 60 feet to the place of <br />beginning. <br />Said land is hereby granted for the use of said City <br />of San Leandro and the public for street purposes only, <br />and that said street shall be named Sunnyside Drive. <br />-"AKLAND.L . 1 f� <br />42G-13Tv4 51. <br />
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