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SCRIPTI ON OF THE PROPERTY COVERED B'' THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE <br />ALL that lot of <br />San Leandro, Countg of Alameda, <br />described as follows, to -Wit: <br />land situated in the City of <br />State of California, and <br />To find the point of beginring: Begin at <br />a poirt on the Northern line of Sybil Avenue, as the sane <br />now exists distant thereon 144.28 feet Easterly from the <br />intersection thereof with the Northeastern line of East <br />14th Street, formerly called hayward iivenue; and running <br />thence North 190 251 West 302.30 feet to the true point <br />of beginning of the property to be hereby described; frog„ <br />said true point of begi-�ning, rur.nini thence North 190 <br />25' !est 43.25 feet; thence Forth 70 35' East 60 feet; <br />thence South 19' 25t East 43.25 feet; thence South 70* 35' <br />'Vest 60 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />