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STATE OF CALI YOR%IA <br />1 se. <br />C OUETY OF ALA JEDA ) <br />On this loth day of December, in the year 1929, before me, <br />A. TI. CARDEN, a Lotary Public, in and for the county of Alameda, <br />state of California, residing therein, cult' cowmissioned and <br />sworn, personally appeared J. ROcO and ADELIA A. RUS,% <br />known to me to be the rersons eescribed in and whose names are <br />subscribed to the within irstruwent , and they acknowledged to me <br />that they executed the same. <br />In Witness hereof, I have-lemunto set my hand and affixed <br />my official Beal, at my office in said County, the day and year <br />in this certificate first above viritten. <br />ID <br />o art' Tublic in an for the county <br />of Alameda, state of California <br />