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FTATE OF C,�LIFORVIA ) <br />88. <br />COUNTY OF dL-11-IMA ) <br />On this 19th clay of Dleember, in the year 1929, before me, <br />:�. -1. CARDEN, a Votary Public, in and for the county of Alameda, <br />state ,f California, residing, therein, duly commissioned and sworn, <br />personally appeared H. A. JAIID--BEUR and CATHERIT'E J. JAN EBEUR <br />known to me to re the persons described in and whose names are <br />subscribed to the, within instrument, and they acknowle,'ped to me <br />that they executed the same. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed <br />my official seal, at my office in said County, the day and year <br />in this certificate first above written. <br />Q 6# . (�4 Cry <br />Notary ublic in and for the county <br />of Alameda, state of Califs- nia <br />