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THIS INDENTURE, Made this <br />® E E D <br />_� day of Leceriber <br />BETWEEN JE1iS. A. T30.11PSON and SIGFRID G. T1:O?.iPSOTT, his wife, <br />19 ?a <br />the parti as of the first part, and <br />City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, the party of the second part, <br />WITNESSETH, that the said part iss of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum <br />of TEN DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain, sell and <br />convey unto the said part of the second part, and to its suc(-essors heirs and <br />assigns forever all that real property situate in the City of Se.n Lem-nOro County of <br />State of California, and particularly described as <br />follows, to -wit: <br />BEGIN at a point on thm Northern line of Sy1'_l Avenue as <br />it now exists where the same would be intersected by the <br />extension Southerly of the ERstern line of the tract of <br />land containing 4 acres heretofore conveyed by W.S. <br />Bryant: and Peter Teel- to John Black by deed clsted July <br />20, 1875, \end of record in l., }er 117 of Deeds, at page <br />538 Alamedlw County Records; and running thence Nort!- <br />19 25+ Test 345.55 feet to the true point of beginning <br />of the property tc be hereby described; from said true <br />point of begirming running thence South 70' 35, FTest <br />129 fa-t 5 inches; thence 190 251 East 43.25 feet; <br />thence North 700 35+ East 129 feet 5 arches; Vience North <br />19 25+ West 43.25 fact to tho true point of beginning. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part of the first part ha hereunto set tli+5ir <br />han& and seal !� the day and year first above written. <br />f'7------------- <br />----------- <br />TR ISO B•2M-tl-x7-(10670) �! <br />