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r <br />JJEED <br />This Indenture, Made this( day of October, 1930, between <br />LUIZ G. FARIA and EVA G. FARIA, his wife, of San Leandro, Cal- <br />ifornia, the parties of the first part, and CITY OF SALT LEANDRO <br />a municipal corporation of the Sixth Class, the party of the <br />second part, <br />Witnesseth: That the said parties of the first part, for <br />and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, the receipt where- <br />of is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain, sell, and convey un- <br />to the said party of the second :art, and to its successors and <br />assigns, all that land with the appurtenances, situate in the <br />city of San Leandro, county of Alameda, state of California, and <br />particularly described as follows, to wit: <br />To find the true point of beginning: Begin at a point on the <br />northern line of Sybil Avenue, as said Avenue now exists, dis- <br />tant thereon 329.12 feet westerly from the intersection there- <br />of with the western line of Santa Clara Street, as the same <br />now exists: and running thence North 190 25' Vilest 341.16 feet <br />to the true point of beginning of the property to be hereby <br />described; from said true point of beginning running thence <br />South 70035' Vest 129:50 feet, more or less, to the eastern <br />line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Timotjty O'Regan <br />to Michael Griffin by deed dated November 2, 1869 and recorded <br />in Liber 48 of Deeds, at page 240; thence South 19025' East <br />38.85 feet; thence North 70° 35' East 129.50 feet, more or <br />less, to' a point which would be intersected by a line drawn <br />South 19' 25' East from the true point of beginning; thence <br />North 19' 25' West 38.85 feet to the true point of beginning. <br />In Witness Whereof, the said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above <br />written. <br />� ( SEAL ) <br />(SEAL) <br />