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' (hilL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />>AN LEANDRO. <br />RESOLUTION NO./Z-le C. Y. S. <br />SOLUTION ACCEPTING DliaD TO Cj1RTAIN LANDS SITUATL 117 <br />EDEN TUWNEHIP, COUNTY OF AL MEDA, E TATE OF CALIFORNIA. <br />nHER {' uS, Grace Arfeten Moore, a single woman, has _)re3ented <br />to this Council a certain deed wherein the said Grace :a.rf5ten Noore, <br />a single woman, is the party of the first part, and the The City of <br />San Leandro. a municii)al corporation is the party of the second part, <br />dated the 31st day of August, 1938, wherein and whereby certain lands <br />therein described are conveyed to the said Cit,.! of San -jeandro, a copy <br />of said deed is attached hereto and to which reference is made for <br />further Particulars and by such reference is made a part hereof: <br />BA' IT Hs?.SOLVED BY TIE CITY COUNCI7. OF THE CITY OF SAN iXAITDRA: <br />That said deed and the lands therein described be and the same <br />are hereby accepted. <br />Introduced by Councilman Lawrence and passed and adopted this <br />day of October, l 8, by the following called vote: <br />AYES: COUNG I <br />NOES: COUNCIiAMAN l <br />�� (d) <br />ABSIANT : C OUNC ILUAN <br />A:)proved this da of October, 1938. <br />Mayor. <br />AT TEST <br />City Clerk. <br />l <br />I, E. F. HUTCHING:!, the duly elected, quaiif ied and acting City <br />Clerk of the City of ;:an Leandro, hereby certify that the foregoing <br />resolution was duly and regularly paefled and adopted by the City <br />Council of thgt.ity of San Leandro at a regular meeting <br />held on the��day of October_ 19?AA- <br />