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DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS POLICY OF INSURANCE <br />All that lot of land situated in the Township of <br />Eden, County of Alameda, State of California, and described as <br />follows, to -wit; <br />To find the point of beginning, begin at the point <br />of intersection of the Southwestern line of County Road %r1434 commonl,;r <br />,.nown as "Bay Farm Island and San Leandro Road", as now exists, with <br />the Southern boundary line of that certain 42.35 acre tract of land <br />conveyed by Peter Lekos, a single man, to J. E. Faustina by deed dated <br />the 4th da�r of March, 1925 and recorded in Book 902 of Official 1�"ecords <br />of Alameda County at page 475, and running thence along the said <br />Southern boundary line South 69' 13' `,"est 1378.28 feet to a point; <br />said point being the point of beginning; thence along said Southern <br />boundary line South 690 13' Nest 20.82 feet; thence South 140 071 <br />East 310.50 feet to a point on the -Northern line of County 'Road <br />#5952, commonly known as Davis Street; thence along said Northern <br />line of Davis Street South 690 13' West 280.12 feet; thence north <br />860 111 20" West 190.87 feet; thence North 14" 0' West 1091 feet; <br />thence North 73" 421 East 390.29 feet; thence South 20' 471 Last <br />821.17 feet to the point of beginning. <br />