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Tb iz Inbenture Made this �' day of y 1929� <br />� Y <br />jUdbXen A. S. WEAVER and Elms S. Weaver, his wife, of the City of <br />San Leandro, Alameda County, State of California,, <br />the part is of the first Part, and <br />8ity of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, 'Alameda County, <br />State of California, the part y of the second part, <br />Witnt9g;U j, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the <br />sum of TEN DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain, <br />sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, and to itss.11 4o-V d assigns <br />forever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the C ity of San Leandro <br />, County of Alameda <br />State of California, and particularly described as follows, to-`vit: <br />"EGIMMTG at a point on the western line of Woodland Avenue, <br />in said City of San Leandro, and distant thereon 340.85 feet north <br />80 34' we3t from its intersection with the northern line of Baas <br />Avenue, and running thence south 720 26' west a distance of 198.44 <br />feet to a point on the vaestern boundary line of that certain 17 acwe <br />tract of land conveyed by Lizzie McCarthy, a widow, to A. S. Weaver <br />and J. E. Faustina by deed dated kugust 23rd, 1919, grid recorded in <br />book 2788 of deeds at _cage 284, Alameda County Records, and distant <br />thereon 679.59 feet south 80 341 east from its intersection with the <br />southerly line of County Road Iio. 1513 and cormnonly known as Dutton <br />Avenue; thence along said boundary line south 80 34' east a distance <br />of 38.97 feet; thence north 770 23' east a distance of 126.21 feet; <br />thence north 720 26' east a distance of 70.98 feet to a point on the <br />western line of '.7oodland Avenue and thence along the western line of <br />Woodland Avenue north 80 34' west a distance of 50 feet to the place <br />of beginning. <br />To be used for street purposes. <br />3n Wituvo Wbered, the said parties of the first part ha ve liereunto set their <br />hand s and seals the day and year first above written. <br />.. <br />---------------4------------------------------------------------------------...- <br />OAKLAND TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTY COMPANY TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING, FIFTEENTH AND FRANKLIN STREETS OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA <br />