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Own <br />Ga:-,iy T Ur' RIGHT Or "Y <br />SPIVOCK PR0e&_!TY <br />ZOS <br />THr; UAi)riHSIdNED, owners of the hereinafter described property, <br />do_ hereby grant and convey to the City' of San Leandro, a M��nicipal <br />corporation, an easement and ri-at of way over and across all of the <br />hereinafter described property to establish, construct, and maintain <br />for all time, with right of entry to inspect and repair) public con- <br />duits in, through, on) .and along that certain piece and strip of land <br />situated, lying, and being in the `1'o�vnship of Eden, County of yla�r.eda, <br />State of California, particularly bounded and described 'as follows, <br />to -wit: <br />BEGIN_.I!VG at the intersection of the northwesterly <br />line of Lot "Y", Block "C", and the northeasterly line <br />of Shoreline Boulevard as <br />,said lot, clock, and boule- <br />vard are s.iown on that certain map entitled, "Map of <br />Trull ord Garden, Unit No. 1, ftlameda County, California", <br />filed IJiay ?, 1927 in book 12 of k1aps at 69, "lameda <br />County Records; run.�ing thence along the direct extension <br />no.cthr,esterly of the said northeastern line of Shoreline <br />Boulevard to the southeast-rn line of .Jilliams Street <br />(;vast Avenue 129th) as said street now exists; thence <br />southwesterly along the last named line 80.00 felt; thence <br />southeasterly along the direct extension northwesterly of <br />the southwestern line of the said Shoreline Boulevard to <br />the intersection thereof with the northwestern lire of <br />Lot ",J" , Block "L" , of the said map ...ulf ord Gardens, Unit <br />No. 1; thence northeasterly along the direct ext nsion of <br />the last named line 80.00 feet uo the point of beginning. <br />IIv �I i\,E'SS 1HE-3EOF, the grantor-r have executed this i)eed this <br />r� day of `T�y , 1946. w <br />1K <br />v <br />STATE OF CALIFO,tNIA ) <br />ss. <br />C=UNTY OF AL__ vAEDA ) <br />On this /d day of P7*!r , 19461 before me <br />of 0-�� <br />a Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda, State o.L California, <br />re3iding therein, commis:,ioned and sworn, personally appeared <br />G c//er .d a Ye /6iS= <br />known Lo me to ;:e the persona described in and whose name7 <br />subscribed to the within_ in!3trument, and they ac.:nowi.;deed to me that <br />±he_[ executed the same. <br />114 77ITivESS .JriER_OF', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my <br />Official Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above <br />written. <br />.. Notary 'Hubl <br />In and for said County and State. <br />Ii4YCOMhiISSlCi? <br />