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GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAY <br />THE UNDERSIGNED, owner of the hereinafter described property, <br />does hereby grant and convey to the City of San Leandro, a municipal <br />corporation, an easement and right of way over and across all of <br />the hereinafter described property to establish, construct, and <br />maintain for all time, with right of entry to inspect and repair, <br />public conduits in, through, on, and along that certain piece and <br />strip of land situated, lying, and being in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />BuGINNING at the intersection of the direct <br />production southwesterly of the southeastern <br />line of Ward Street as said street is shown <br />on that certain map entitled, "Map of the Town <br />of San Leandro, County Seat of Alameda County", <br />filed for record February 27, 1855 and recorded <br />June 14, 1870 in Book 1 of Map s at page 19 in <br />the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda <br />County and the southwestern line of that certain <br />10 acre tract of land conveyed by John Murphy <br />to Vv. T. Thrasher, by deed dated June 6, 1866 <br />and recorded in Book "V" of Deeds page 110, <br />Alameda County records; running thence from said <br />point of beginning along the last named line <br />South 280 East 200 feet; thence North 620 East <br />10 feet; thence North 280 West 200 feet to said <br />production of Ward Street; thence South 620 <br />Guest along the last named line 10 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this Deed this <br />day of � 1946. <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) - <br />On this day of e4s-t, 1946, before me <br />a Notary Public in and for the Coun y of Alameda, <br />State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and <br />sworn, personally appeared RUDOLPH JOHN STENZEL <br />known to me to be the person described in and whose name <br />is subscribed to the within instrument, and he acknowledged <br />to me that he executed the sa re. <br />IN @{rTNESS WHERE01 , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed <br />my Official Seal, the day and;,in this cert first <br />above written. <br />ary Publi in and for said County <br />and State. <br />