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u�y <br />THIS INDEIRrURE, made this llth day of June, 1940, <br />by and between K ERICAN TRUST COMPANY, a corpora.ticn, party of the <br />N <br />first part, and CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, the party of the second part, <br />9'JITNESSETH: <br />THAT the said party of the first part, for and in <br />consideration of the sum of Ten an: no/100 (410.00) dollars, in <br />lawful money of the United States to it paid, the receipt whereof <br />is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever <br />quit claim unto the party of the second part and to its successors <br />and assigns, all its right, title and interest in and to all that <br />certain real property situate, lying and being in the City of <br />San Leandre, County of Alamede, State of California, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />PARCEL ONE: C010.1ENCING at the southeastern corner of Lot 92, as <br />said Lot is delineated and so designFted upon that certain filed map <br />entitled, "Map of Belleview Gardens Subdivision, San Leandro, <br />California" etc., filed Play 25, 1926, in Book 3 of Maps, at page <br />87 in the office of the County Recorder cf Alameda County, California., <br />end running thence south thirty degrees fifty-five minutes twenty <br />seconds east (S.30055'20"E.) thirty (30.00) feet; thence south <br />fifty-nine degrees four minutes forty seconds west (S.59004140"tiG.) <br />one hundred fifty-eight and fifty one -hundredths (158.50) feet to a. <br />point on the northeastern line of East Twelfth Street, as same now <br />exists; thence northd,esterly along said northeastern line of East <br />Twelfth Street, north thirty degrees fifty-five minutes twenty seconds <br />west (N.30055'20"W.) thirty (30.00) feet; thence northeasterly <br />along the southeastern line of said Lot 92, north fifty-nine degrees <br />four minutes forty seconds east (N.59004140"E.) one hundred fifty-eight <br />End fifty one -hundredths (158.50) feet to the point of commencement. <br />BEING e portion of that certain land described in that certain deed <br />from Perry- J. Hazen to Henry W. Hazen, dated July 17, 1929 and recorded <br />May 13, 1931, in Liber 2557 of Official Records, at page 87, in the <br />office of the County Recorder of Alameda. County, California. <br />PAF,CEL TV CONTdENCNIhG at the southeastern corner of Lot 99, as <br />said Lot is shown on that certain filed map entitled, "Mep of Belleview <br />Gardens Subdivision, San Leandro, California", etc., filed May 25, 1926, <br />in Map Book 3, at page 87, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County, California, at a point on the southwestern line of East <br />Twelfth Street; running thence southeasterly along said southwestern <br />line of East Twelfth Street, as same now exist:, south thirty degrees <br />fifty-five minutes twenty necor_ds east (S.30055120"E.) thirty (30.00) <br />feet; thence south fifty-nine degrees four minutes forty seconds west <br />(S.59004'40"W.) four hu&red eight and thirty-seven one -hundredths <br />(408.37) feet to a point on the northeastern line of San Leandro Boule- <br />vard, as same now exists; thence northwesterly along said line of <br />San Leandro Boulevard, along the are of a circle to the left, with b <br />radius of six hundred (600.00) feet, an arc distance of thirty and ten <br />one-hundredthz (30.10) feet; thence north fifty-nine degrees four <br />minutes forty seconds east (N.5900440"E.) four hundred ten and ninety- <br />